I woke up and I feel horrible because I have the sensation of a terrible thing will happend. I try to turn on the light but it doesn't work. I feel strange but no scary. I get up and goes to the bathroom because I have to evacuate some waste... But when I pass the room of my brother I heard a terrible voice how call me. I feel very worried but I goes very quickly to my room and cath the flashlight for try to get more information. When I enter into my brother rooms I don't see anything but When I turn off I see a very big blood trail Suddenly the fear paralyze my body and I can't move, but When I listen another time the voice of the murder anb my body can answer, After two seconds I heard how a methal machine goes on and I heard two voices crying suddenly all are quiet...
I goes very run to the kitchen, and close the door I take a very long knife and I want to revenge about the person how destroy me. When I feel good, Im gets horrified because I see a monster in front of me approximately two seconds I can feel a machine into my body...
I wake up crying but Suddenly I know that was a terrible nightmare and I return to sleep.
Nightmare…What a terrible word! I hate dream because I do it few times and the times I dream, the dreams are always nightmares. In my nightmares I always dream that somebody pursues me and I begin to run really quickly but then there’s a precipice and while I’m feeling down I wake up. I always have these dreams but sometimes the place is different. Maybe my dream tries to transmit me something but for the moment I don’t know why and what.