These is the best oral presentation that I have done in the batxillerat. Because I feel normal and I have prepared all that I want to say. But I think that my entonation and pronunciation wasn't very good but I have to practise a lot to get a normal level.
These are the oral presentation
And the best writting I think that:
I woke up and I feel horrible because I have the sensation of a terrible thing will happend. I try to turn on the light but it doesn't work. I feel strange but no scary. I get up and goes to the bathroom because I have to evacuate some waste... But when I pass the room of my brother I heard a terrible voice how call me. I feel very worried but I goes very quickly to my room and cath the flashlight for try to get more information. When I enter into my brother rooms I don't see anything but When I turn off I see a very big blood trail Suddenly the fear paralyze my body and I can't move, but When I listen another time the voice of the murder anb my body can answer, After two seconds I heard how a methal machine goes on and I heard two voices crying suddenly all are quiet...
I goes very run to the kitchen, and close the door I take a very long knife and I want to revenge about the person how destroy me. When I feel good, Im gets horrified because I see a monster in front of me approximately two seconds I can feel a machine into my body...
I wake up crying but Suddenly I know that was a terrible nightmare and I return to sleep.
Because I have written these writting because I want to explain what can you feel in a Nightmate I think that topic is very good a Hard situation where you have to get stronger for try to survive (the best example is in a terrible nightmare where I can feel that you are alone in the world in only 35 seconds).
Space of English 2
- 1er Term task (5)
- 1er Term you say (7)
- 2nd Term task (4)
- 2nd Term you say (6)
- Third term task (3)
- Third term your say (10)
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011
My english Progress from 2008-2010
First Document:
Hi Lourdes my name is German Garcia and I have 16 years old and the razon why study scientist bachillerat is I would like work in the biotecnology, Because We have one world nd other people they seen certain destroy the world, I know this is very exageration but We go for this road. And for this using the biotecnology we have new tecnology for less the contamination,and if possible create Proteins , vitamins ,..... ow humans use the bacterium for crete insuline. I live In castello d'empuries with my family.
And the last document:
I woke up and I feel horrible because I have the sensation of a terrible thing will happend. I try to turn on the light but it doesn't work. I feel strange but no scary. I get up and goes to the bathroom because I have to evacuate some waste... But when I pass the room of my brother I heard a terrible voice how call me. I feel very worried but I goes very quickly to my room and cath the flashlight for try to get more information. When I enter into my brother rooms I don't see anything but When I turn off I see a very big blood trail Suddenly the fear paralyze my body and I can't move, but When I listen another time the voice of the murder anb my body can answer, After two seconds I heard how a methal machine goes on and I heard two voices crying suddenly all are quiet...
I goes very run to the kitchen, and close the door I take a very long knife and I want to revenge about the person how destroy me. When I feel good, Im gets horrified because I see a monster in front of me approximately two seconds I can feel a machine into my body...
I wake up crying but Suddenly I know that was a terrible nightmare and I return to sleep.
Im think that I improve my level in english in comparison with the last year. In my writtings I try to use more vocabulary,another grammars forms and I try to entertain more the people Who reads my posts. I want to get ready for the writtings in Selectivitat for that reason I decide to talk about philosophy themes because I want to do hard work for try to over my limit.
In conclusion (Writting part)I belive that: When a person try to get a good mark automatically the person improve.
Now: in the orals presentation:
These is my first oral presentation.
And the last one is my blogg.
I thought that the last one no is the best because I get to nervios and I couldn't do a very good work. Now I think that the best is the first oral presentation but In the second of batxillerat because I felt good.
You can appreciate the difference: Now in these year I have do a lot of practise for try to improve my pronunciation and entonation but I think that I can't understand some words that I've produced. ( I think that not very good I have to improve more..)
In these year I have learnt a lot of vacabulariy( for example: one phrasal verb is : Slippery ground - Terreny resvalladís)and the idioms: The apparence can be deceptive...
And my listening skills are growing up because When I began these year the listening are one difficult things but I've done alot of practise for try to have a change in Selectivitat.
And I can understand more because I practise my reading at home.
Finally: I think that my level in second Batxillerat are more higher than first batxillerat I believe that: If I practise more I can get a very good level.
Hi Lourdes my name is German Garcia and I have 16 years old and the razon why study scientist bachillerat is I would like work in the biotecnology, Because We have one world nd other people they seen certain destroy the world, I know this is very exageration but We go for this road. And for this using the biotecnology we have new tecnology for less the contamination,and if possible create Proteins , vitamins ,..... ow humans use the bacterium for crete insuline. I live In castello d'empuries with my family.
And the last document:
I woke up and I feel horrible because I have the sensation of a terrible thing will happend. I try to turn on the light but it doesn't work. I feel strange but no scary. I get up and goes to the bathroom because I have to evacuate some waste... But when I pass the room of my brother I heard a terrible voice how call me. I feel very worried but I goes very quickly to my room and cath the flashlight for try to get more information. When I enter into my brother rooms I don't see anything but When I turn off I see a very big blood trail Suddenly the fear paralyze my body and I can't move, but When I listen another time the voice of the murder anb my body can answer, After two seconds I heard how a methal machine goes on and I heard two voices crying suddenly all are quiet...
I goes very run to the kitchen, and close the door I take a very long knife and I want to revenge about the person how destroy me. When I feel good, Im gets horrified because I see a monster in front of me approximately two seconds I can feel a machine into my body...
I wake up crying but Suddenly I know that was a terrible nightmare and I return to sleep.
Im think that I improve my level in english in comparison with the last year. In my writtings I try to use more vocabulary,another grammars forms and I try to entertain more the people Who reads my posts. I want to get ready for the writtings in Selectivitat for that reason I decide to talk about philosophy themes because I want to do hard work for try to over my limit.
In conclusion (Writting part)I belive that: When a person try to get a good mark automatically the person improve.
Now: in the orals presentation:
These is my first oral presentation.
And the last one is my blogg.
I thought that the last one no is the best because I get to nervios and I couldn't do a very good work. Now I think that the best is the first oral presentation but In the second of batxillerat because I felt good.
You can appreciate the difference: Now in these year I have do a lot of practise for try to improve my pronunciation and entonation but I think that I can't understand some words that I've produced. ( I think that not very good I have to improve more..)
In these year I have learnt a lot of vacabulariy( for example: one phrasal verb is : Slippery ground - Terreny resvalladís)and the idioms: The apparence can be deceptive...
And my listening skills are growing up because When I began these year the listening are one difficult things but I've done alot of practise for try to have a change in Selectivitat.
And I can understand more because I practise my reading at home.
Finally: I think that my level in second Batxillerat are more higher than first batxillerat I believe that: If I practise more I can get a very good level.
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011
One of my nightmare

I woke up and I feel horrible because I have the sensation of a terrible thing will happend. I try to turn on the light but it doesn't work. I feel strange but no scary. I get up and goes to the bathroom because I have to evacuate some waste... But when I pass the room of my brother I heard a terrible voice how call me. I feel very worried but I goes very quickly to my room and cath the flashlight for try to get more information. When I enter into my brother rooms I don't see anything but When I turn off I see a very big blood trail Suddenly the fear paralyze my body and I can't move, but When I listen another time the voice of the murder anb my body can answer, After two seconds I heard how a methal machine goes on and I heard two voices crying suddenly all are quiet...
I goes very run to the kitchen, and close the door I take a very long knife and I want to revenge about the person how destroy me. When I feel good, Im gets horrified because I see a monster in front of me approximately two seconds I can feel a machine into my body...
I wake up crying but Suddenly I know that was a terrible nightmare and I return to sleep.
My favorite song

The song name is: Highway to hell.
I choose these song because in the lyrics you can see how the bon Scott wants to great life, because he doens't want to be forced to live a normal life, wants to be free,doing wahtever he wants.
For that reason highway to hell is a song who wants to show you another part of the life the funny moments, the live nots only the bad things you have to live. In that case Highway to hell is a song which shows you how you have to get free.
What I will do these weekend

In these weekend I have to work alot because I want to pass some examens but I want to repeat the next year because I know that my level in some subjects is too low and I want to improve them with another year, for example in English I want to improve my level in english for get an opportunity to work in another country, or in Chemistry I want to gets very good level because I need the Chemistry in work that i want do in my life and catalan: Because I feel very insecure in my exams and I have to get some bases for ir sure in Selectivitat.
Im hope that Im work a lot I can get my goals, It's only persistence.
jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011
Enemy of the State

The supreme court wants to legislate the videogame company because they don't have control about the sale.
In California the people want to change the legislation about Videogames for that reason They want to get some advice from ESRB (Enterainment Software Rating Board)The ESRB wants to change Videogame industries because of the violent games ( for example: the games that you have to kill someone to get a price...).
The bill considered that: The violent games can be sold to adult people but if the shop sell a violent game to a child problably they have to pay 1000$ from the violation of the law.
But someone critized these new law and Taylor ask it is. This law attempts to the creation of the videogames (is similar to the art) but the film indusry doesn't need control? ) of course the children can see violents film in the cinema)
In Conclusion: If the new law was accepted these can affect the relationship between the creators and the publishiers. For example: the videogame has been created but the publishiers have to call people's attetion so they buy it.

The earthquake in Lorca ( Murcia) has been the responsable for the death of 8 people. These earthquake has got 5.1 degrees in Ritcher scale. The epicenter has been located in Sierra Tercia,the powerful earthquake affected 10 kilometres arround it. Where the big structures, all of them unused because the danger generated from the earthquake was very big, for that reason the church lost one of it's towers.
Nowadays the people from Lorca don't want to live in the buildings because they fell unsafe and the want to stay in a secure place.
In conclusion: I think that Spanish aren't prepared to resist earthquakers because one of these movements of earth in comparison to the one in japan was much weaker. now imagine the consequence of the same earthquake(9.8 in Ritcher scale)in Lorca...
This thing will be one of the worst things in the history of this country.
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