jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

A joke

A bad Story

In a strange mountains, The very big company of bats are sleeping in a very cave. But suddenly appears the most biggest rap than never exist, He has got a lot of blood in his mouth and decide to sleep but the others bat can smell his blood and began to ask him about these perfect blood. The big bat is sleepin but hte others began to wake up for know these mistery space. But the big bat decides to tell about his blood. The big bat began to fly arround the mountains , the rivers , and finally they can see the end of the forest.
The bats are dancing with a strange frenesy.
Suddenly the big rap said: Do you see the final of forest.
The bats said : yes , yes , yes ...
Big bat : Ok because I didn't.

*The bats can see.

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