viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

A Horrifying True

In Washington , 14 october. the sunmit of biodiversity that began next weekend in Japan has got to agree for garantized the protecion of 25% of earth surface and aproximatley 15% of marine surface.
for to avoid a biggest environmental disaster.
Actually only 13% of earth surface are protected and only 1% of marine surface. But the population doesn't want to lose his lifestyle for garantized a Sustainable Future and want to get more resoruces ( energy, food , wood , etç)
In now days the organization are agree with garantized minimun 17% of earth surface for garantized the minimun resources, (charcoal) but actually the marine surpeficie need more protection and the conference try to resolve some problems for reduce the climatic change.

viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

A vengance Story

This story began when we finished a normal day in school, suddenly we saw a fight between to teenagers, therfirst teenager is short and a litle fat but the second boy is very tall and athletic. Some teachers try tostopped the fight , thanks God otherwise thedrug addict became euphoric and began to hurt the teachers.Thefirst sensation was very frightening because we didn't know how lonmg is boy could arrive.
And we could pass by the fight affortunatley , we didn't get any punch after that his girlfriend decided to stop him.
At the same moment the police arrived in the high school.
We thought was very funny because always the police arrived after the problem. When te police go to investigate the problem we went to next to the police but they sent us out because we hadn't done anything.
But the gentle policeman dind't wan't to giver us someexplanations and we decided to go out.
At the next day we went to the secretary to get some information but he said that is a private thing for school.
After that we began to try to get some conclusion.
Finally the samll man insultated his girlfirend and his drug addiction caused a very hard reaction.
For his girlfirend the battle started and for his girlfriend the battle ended.